SupplySide West Expo, October 31 - November 4, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Sami-Sabinsa showcased its new product lineup at the SupplySide West Expo, a premier event for health and nutrition professionals held at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada. The expo, held between October 31 and November 4, 2022, attracted more than 17,000 attendees and focused on dietary supplements, personal care, sports nutrition, functional food, and beverage products.
Sami-Sabinsa’s new range of branded ingredients, such as Sabroxy®, CurCousin®, Shagandha®, Silbinol®, and Saberry®, were featured at the expo, along with its signature ingredient, Curcumin c3 complex®. Sami-Sabinsa also demonstrated its immunity ingredients, the shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore® and DigeZyme®, a blend of digestive enzymes.
Dr. Anurag Pande, Vice President, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Sami-Sabinsa, delivered a presentation titled "Exploring the Microbiome: Science, Innovation, and Delivery" at the expo.
- Registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation USA - Sabroxy® , Curcousin® , Silbinol® , Curcumin C3 Complex®, Saberry®, Lactospore®, Digezyme®
- Trademark of Sabinsa Corporation USA - Shagandha™