Former Home Secretary, Shri G.K. Pillai Unveils Sami-Sabinsa’s 35th Anniversary Edition of the Coffee Table Book

It’s an honor for the Sami-Sabinsa family to have its 35th Anniversary Edition of the Coffee Table Book unveiled by Shri G.K. Pillai, Former Home Secretary, GoI, and Chairman of the RoDTEP Committee, with his delegation, along with the top executives of the Export Promotion Council-SHEFEXIL and Dr. Anju Majeed, Director of the Sami-Sabinsa Group. The book illustrates the Founder & Chairman Dr. Muhammed Majeed’s vision, the company’s transformational journey, and its breakthrough contributions to the growth of the industry.
With landmark 465+ patents, a presence in 17 countries, and an annual throughput of 2000 T from 9 manufacturing facilities, we proudly say we have come a long way in realizing our vision. Our basket of more than 120 innovative products is the result of extensive research and is increasingly being used by global partners for diverse applications.
As we celebrate our success, we thank our patrons for their trust and support.
Peek into the book: View Book
LtoR: Dr. Debjani Roy, ED, SHEFEXIL; Dr. Arvind Saklani, V.P. – Agri Biotechnology; Mr. Y.G. Parande, Member RoDTEP Committee (RC); Mr. G.K. Pillai, Former Home Secretary-GoI and Chairman, RC; Dr. Anju Majeed, Director, SSGL; Mr. Gautam Ray, Member RC; Dr. Lal Hingorani, Chairman, SHEFEXIL; Capt. Kapil Chaudary, Joint Secretary, RC, Ministry of Finance