Signing the MoU between Tan Thanh Holdings and Sami-Sabinsa Group in the Vietnam-India Business Forum

December 17, 2021 in New Delhi. Exchanging the MoU between Sami-Sabinsa Group, India and Tan Thanh Holdings, Vietnam was witnessed by Vietnam’s President of National Assembly H.E. Vuong Dinh Hue, Dy. Prime Minister Mr. Le Minh Khaiy, General Secretary of National Assembly, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Ambassador of Vietnam in India and Sri Suresh Prabhu, M.P. Rajya Sabha, Mr. C. Banerjee, Director General, CII at the Vietnam - India Business Forum
December 16, 2021 in New Delhi. The Secretary-General of the National Assembly, H. E. Bui Van Cuong and Deputy Minister of Health Prof. Tran Van Thuan witnessed the signing ceremony of the MoU between Tan Thanh Holdings, Vietnam and Sami-Sabinsa Group, India on developing the medicinal herbs value chain in Vietnam
Signing the MoU by Dr. Arvind Saklani, Vice President, Sami-Sabinsa Group and Mr Le Thanh, Chairman, Tan Thanh Holdings, Vietnam
Dr. Saklani and Mr. Le Thanh with President of National Assembly H.E. Vuong Dinh Hue and Sri Suresh Prabhu, M.P. Rajya Sabha
Gift from Sami-Sabinsa
Gifted Books to Prof. Tran V Thuan, Dy. Minister of Health
Le Thanh presenting Ricegrain painting of Dr. Majeed
MoU signed 16 Dec 2021
Team SSGL and TTHs in Business Forum 17 Dec,2021