Sami-Sabinsa Group showcases at SupplySide West 2023, Las Vegas, October 25 - 26, 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined us at SSW2023. It was a pleasure meeting and spending time with our business prospects. Sami-Sabinsa’s top-selling products, including LactoSpore® shelf-stable probiotics, DigeZyme® digestive enzyme blend, Curcumin C3 Complex®, the most researched curcumin, Saberry® standardized amla for healthy blood sugar support, and other breakthrough products, were showcased at the expo. Sami-Sabinsa also showcased its new innovations, including Aged Garlic, Sabrolithin™ A&B (Urolihtin A&B), and Mangiophelin™ Mango Extract.
At the show, Sami-Sabinsa also highlighted its long history of commitment towards environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.
® – Trademark of Sabinsa Corporation, USA
™ – Trademark of Sabinsa Corporation, USA