New York Society of Cosmetic Chemist Suppliers’ Day (NYSCC) 2022, New York (USA), 3-4 May 2022

New York (USA), 3-4 May 2022
Sabinsa Corporation had a successful show at the NYSCC Suppliers’ Day event that brought together the beauty and personal care fraternity in the United States. Facial skincare, UV protection, anti-pollution, post-biotic and hair care ingredients were the most sought-after products at the Sabinsa booth. Visitors also showed great interest in the recently launched ingredients like Proscalpin™ and LactoSporin™ for haircare and skin care respectively. Visitors to Sabinsa’s booth learned about the clinical studies on the new products and new science on its various patented signature ingredients, such as CosmoPerine®, SabiWhite®, TetraPure®, pTeroWhite® and Oxyresvenox®.