Sabinsa’s LactoSpore® Found Safe and Effective for Children

Sami-Sabinsa, a global leader in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries, has had another clinical study on the heat-stable probiotic LactoSpore® [Weizmannia coagulans (Bacillus coagulans) MTCC 5856] published, adding to the robust body of science on this well-established ingredient.
“Weizmannia coagulans MTCC 5856 as adjunct therapy in children's acute diarrhea—a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study” was published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Pediatrics in January 2024. LactoSpore® was evaluated in 110 non-hospitalized children in the age group of 1-10 years with acute diarrhea. The children received LactoSpore® (400 million spores per day, N = 54) plus oral hydration solution (ORS) and zinc (Zn) or a placebo (N = 56) plus ORS and Zn for 5 days. LactoSpore® supplementation along with ORS and Zn resulted in significantly faster recovery from diarrhea in children.
The frequency of diarrhea was lower in children supplemented with the probiotic, and the perceived efficacy score and dehydration status improved significantly. No adverse effects were reported in the children during the study. This randomized controlled study shows that LactoSpore® with standard therapy was better than the standard treatment alone in managing acute diarrhea in children.
"All age groups need beneficial bacteria in their gut, and kids especially, so it’s important to add to the range of clinical research for common childhood conditions,” said Mr. Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa Global CEO & Managing Director. “This clinical proves improvement in efficacy by the inclusion of LactoSpore® with the standard treatment of care of oral hydration solution and zinc."
The study may be accessed here:
LactoSpore® - Registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation, USA