Clinical Study Published on Blood Sugar Support Benefits of Sami-Sabinsa’s Saberry® Standardized Amla Ingredient

In a recently published 90 day, multicentric randomized open label trial, Sami-Sabinsa’s Amla ingredient Saberry® was found to provide blood sugar support benefits.
Saberry® is a unique, patented ingredient. It is the only Indian Gooseberry extract standardized with beta glucogallin, a Gallotannin compound, which holds the key to health benefits obtained from Indian gooseberry. Saberry® is a self-affirmed GRAS ingredient that has been consumed as a dietary supplement for more than a decade. It has an excellent taste profile and is water soluble, making it a one-of-a-kind functional beverage ingredient.
In the study, Saberry® was shown to significantly improve the key parameters of blood sugar levels, both fasting and post prandial, and lipid levels (LDL, VLDL and total cholesterol) in subjects with hyperglycemia and BMI ranging from 27-35. The study design used 3 arms with a total 126 subjects for comparing two dosages of Saberry® supplementation (1g and 2g) with standard treatment group (metformin 500mg).
Both the dosages of Saberry® showed improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism in a dose dependent manner with 2g showing 21.8% lowering of fasting blood sugar levels compared to 14.6% with a 1g dosage. While 1g dose compared favorably with metformin results, 2g dose surpassed them. Similar trends were noted with both dose regimen for total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, and triglyceride levels.
The research article may be found at Food Funct.,2022,13,9523-31.