Sabinsa’s VP Scientific Affairs Dr. Pande Featured in Probiotics Podcast Providing Details on LactoSpore®

Sabinsa’s Vice President of Scientific Affairs Anurag Pande Ph.D. was interviewed in depth on probiotics for a Natural Products Insider podcast. Dr. Pande explained Sabinsa’s shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore® (Bacillus coagulans MTCC 5856) in detail, including what “spore forming” means, how it is different from other probiotics, what effects Bacillus coagulans has on human health, and what research backs safety and efficacy.
This podcast previews Dr. Pande’s upcoming presentation at Probiotics Marketplace, a day-and-a-half event co-sponsored by Sabinsa to provide insights on probiotic science and formulation, as well as issues to consider for an effective go-to-market strategy, on April 18 and 19 in Orlando Florida as part of Ingredient Marketplace, the East Coast sister show to Supply Side West.
The podcast can be heard here: Natural Products Insider