Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® and Aspirin Combination Researched in Groundbreaking Colorectal Cancer Study

In an extensive efficacy and mechanistic study using transcriptomic analysis using RNA-seq published in the leading journal Biochemical Pharmacology (Volume 135, 1 July 2017, Pages 22-34), researchers provided the first evidence of chemopreventive effect of a low dose combination of aspirin and Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex®.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the major causes of human mortality and morbidity. Colitis-accelerated colon cancer (CAC) is a sub-type of CRC that is also closely associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although aspirin has been widely investigated as a chemopreventive agent for CAC and different types of CRC, the potential side-effect of gastrointestinal bleeding has been a concern in long-term high-dose aspirin therapy. In this new study on animals, researchers at Rutgers discovered that co-administration of Curcumin C3 Complex® and aspirin helps to lower the dose of aspirin by 50% rendering this therapy feasible without adverse effects. It has been known earlier that Curcumin C3 complex® is non-toxic at all tested doses.
Additionally aspirin and C3 Complex combination modulated a larger gene sets than the single agent treatment. These genes were involved in several canonical pathways important in the inflammatory network and liver metastasis in CAC. Also this was the first study is first of its kind in an Azoxymethane(AOM)/DSS (Dextran sulfate sodium)-induced CAC.
"Extensive research on Curcumin C3 Complex continues to reveal additional applications and benefits, which fosters further studies added to the large body of science on C3 Complex," said Sabinsa founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed. "The range of health benefits scientific investigation has identified continues to inspire researchers across the globe."
The study, Mechanisms of colitis-accelerated colon carcinogenesis and its prevention with the combination of aspirin and curcumin: Transcriptomic analysis using RNA-seq, can be accessed here