Sami-Sabinsa Sponsors Ayurveda Medical Association National Cancer Treatment Seminar: Ayurcan

Sabinsa’s SamiDirect India division was the lead sponsor of a two day National Seminar on Ayurvedic Oncology, Ayurcan, organized by the Ayurveda Medical Association of India (AMAI), held on July 30th and 31st 2016 in Kerala, India. The focal point of the seminar was the management of cancer through Ayurveda. Over 300 medical professionals including doctors, nurses and government health department officials participated in the event.
Dr. Priti Vaidyanathan, Senior Technical Manager, Sami Labs, addressed the audience on the topic of “The Curcuminoids: From Curry Powder to Cancer Medicine”. The presentation shared a detailed description on Sami/Sabinsa’s research on Curcumin C3 Complex and its positive role and clinical validation in the treatment of cancer.
“It is exciting and gratifying to see the medical community coming together to discuss the advances in research that confirm and expand upon our traditional medical system, Ayurveda,” said Sabinsa founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed. “We are proud to support these advances.”