Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® in Combination with Omega-3s Found to Have Synergistic Effect

Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® has been found by researchers in several studies to be an excellent complementary supplement to Omega-3 fatty acids. While curcumin is a well recognized anti-inflammatory agent, Omega-3 acids are known precursors of several biosynthetic inflammatory resolvers. Together C3 Complex® and Omega-3 acids work in tandem to bring about relief under situations where inflammation can cause damage.
Use of this combination has been studied by researchers over several years:
“Curcumin and Omega 3’s have become staples of many consumer’s dietary supplement regimen in recent years, making it beneficial to know how the combination of the two work together,” said Shaheen Majeed, Sabinsa Marketing Director. “While these results are exciting, they apply to C3 Complex only. We can’t speculate that the same benefits would be found with other brands of Curcumin, given the many very different forms on the market.”