Sabinsa and Chemill Reach Licensing Agreement-Sabinsa’s Tetrahydrocurcuminoids Patent Honored

Sabinsa Corp. and Chemill Inc. (Bothell, WA) have reached an agreement which resolves a previous lawsuit for infringement of Sabinsa’s U.S. Patent No. 6,653,327, covering compositions and uses of turmeric-derived tetrahydrocurcuminoids. The matter has been settled on undisclosed terms. Chemill will respect the Patent as a due licensee.
“We are pleased that this matter has been resolved and look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Chemill,” said Sabinsa founder Muhammed Majeed PhD. “We sincerely appreciate Chemill’s goodwill and the way they have handled this issue."
“It is encouraging that Sabinsa and Chemill came to a quick and amicable resolution of this matter, as reflected in the Consent Judgment filed with the court, so that Sabinsa did not have to resort to further legal action,” stated James H. Hulme, litigation counsel for Sabinsa.
Sabinsa’s patent covers compositional claims and also several topical and oral applications of tetrahydrocurcuminoids noted for their high anti-oxidant capacity.