Sabinsa Again Honored with Two Pharmexcil Awards Noting Excellence in Patents and Exports

Sabinsa Corporation’s parent company Sami Labs was recently honored with two Pharmexcil Awards for 2015 – 2016 in the Herbals category: the Silver Award for Patents and the Outstanding Export Performance Award.
A ministry set up by the Government of India as a gateway to global pharma trade, Pharmexcil presents awards each year to salute those companies that demonstrate excellence in developing proprietary products granted patents throughout the world. The awards were presented during the "Pharma CEOs Conclave” organized by the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil) and sponsored by Department of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.
"This recognition by Pharmexcil once again for our profound dedication to the innovation and science behind the products we develop and market worldwide is gratifying, and inspiring,” said Mr. VG Nair, Sami Labs CEO on receiving the award. “It is a salute to the crux of our philosophy and core DNA of our company since it was founded.”
Sami Labs received the top Pharmexcil Patent Award for 2014 – 2015 in the Herbals, Pharmexcil Patent Award for 2010 – 2011 in the Herbals, Ayurveda & Nutraceuticals category and two Pharmexcil Awards for 2012 – 2013 in the Herbals, Ayurveda & Nutraceuticals category: the Gold Award for Patents and the Silver Award for Exports in Herbals. Since the company’s founding, the Sami – Sabinsa Group has secured over 120 patents globally.