Sabinsa's Sister Company Sami Labs Enters into Memorandum of Understanding with Arya Vaidya Sala to Further Ayurvedic Interests and Products

Sabinsa’s sister company Sami Labs entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with India’s premier Ayurvedic practice and research organization, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal (AVS), to further the use of modern scientific methods and technology in exploring more deeply the knowledge base of Ayurveda, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of mankind.
Muhammed Majeed, PhD founded Sabinsa & Sami Labs based upon his long-held belief that aspects of his native country’s traditional medical system, Ayurveda, could address many of the health issues plaguing society. Because Dr. Majeed and his robust R&D team have found specific benefits that are not always traditional, the company today holds 90 patents word wide. Sabinsa’s branded ingredients are natural extracts and phytonutrients derived from botanicals with a long history of traditional food, medicinal and cosmetic use, validated by modern scientific studies.
“We are honored by this recognition for the validity of the pioneering work that we have been relentlessly pursuing for the past 26 years in manufacturing and marketing standardized medicinal plant preparations in a manner acceptable to the developed world,” said Dr. Majeed.
AVS Managing Trustee and Chief Physician Dr. P.K. Warrier stressed the value in incorporating modern scientific methods and technology with the knowledge of Ayurveda in order to provide affordable health care to those members of humanity suffering from ill health.
After several months of discussion between senior management teams at AVS and Sami, the major areas of cooperation have been identified as:
About Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal
Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier’s Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal is a century old charitable institution recognized as the premier center of Ayurveda in India, carrying forward traditional principles and practices of classical Ayurveda while utilizing modern technology. AVS was founded in 1902 as a village clinic in the Kerala State of India by visionary physician, philanthropist, entrepreneur and Ayurvedic scholar Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier. Today, AVS facilities offer Ayurvedic medicines, therapies and expert medical advice via multi-unit Ayurvedic Hospitals and research centers catering to patients from India and abroad. The organization has modern medicine manufacturing facilities, well-equipped labs, and a pioneering program to preserve classical Indian medicinal plants from over harvesting.
About Sabinsa Corporation:
Sabinsa's mission is to provide alternative and complementary natural products for human nutrition and well-being. Over the past 26 years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 100 standardized botanical extracts and privately funded several clinical studies in conjunction with prestigious institutions in support of these products. With more than 100 full time scientists conducting ongoing research in India and the United States, Sabinsa continues to develop and patent phytonutrients for the world market. Most of our products intended for human consumption are certified Kosher and Halal. For more information, Visit, or contact your Sabinsa sales representative.
Signing Ceremony: Padmabhooshan Dr. P K Varrier, Managing Trustee, AVS, Kottakkal and Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Managing Director, Sabinsa & Sami Labs
Exchanging the MOU: Padmabhooshan Dr. P K Varrier, Managing Trustee, AVS, Kottakkal, Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Managing Director, Sabinsa & Sami Labs and VG Nair, CEO Sami Labs
Standing from left to right are: Dr. PM Varrier, Trustee and Chief Superintendent, AVS, Shri P Raghava Varrier, Trustee, AVS, Shri K S Money, General Manager, AVS, Padmabhooshan Dr. P K Varrier, Managing Trustee, AVS, Dr. Majeed and VG Nair