Sabinsa's Shaheen Majeed To Present On Beverage Innovation At Nutracon

Shaheen Majeed, Marketing Director, Sabinsa Corporation, will present a seminar on Beverage Innovation at Nutracon on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 from 4:00PM to 4:45PM at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel, Anaheim California, USA. The session will be moderated by industry beverage guru James Tonkin.
The session, entitled From Protein to Forslean: New Ingredients Explode for Beverages, will look deeply into ingredients and ingredient combinations that give a beverage a competitive edge, which is gained by not just delivering a tasteful drink but also incorporating functional ingredients and more health claims. Majeed will explain why he believes that Customized Functional Beverages are going to be the future of the industry. The session will also discuss why science is important when it comes to beverage fortification in terms of solubility, bio-availability, shelf-life, end product taste and appearance. Majeed will discuss how GRAS ingredients have opened a new avenue in functional beverages with widespread appeal, as more and more beverage manufacturers look to increase the functional ingredient load in their beverages.
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