Integrating traditional knowledge with technology

Remedies from nature play a significant role to curb and regulate changes because of the ever-increasing irregular lifestyle. Sami Labs Ltd incorporated in Bengaluru is among the country’s few indigenous companies accenting the use of Ayurvedic medicines globally. Delve deeper to understand the workings, processes, developments and innovations formulated at the R&D wing of Sami Labs.
In entering the premises of the Sami’s R&D center, one can find how several advanced technologies such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GC), Mass Spectrometry (MS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) etc, are being deployed to formulate and validate claims of India’s 5,000-year old traditional medicine. “Ayurveda has long been rooted in India but was neglected in R&D. We believe in ‘do no harm’ studies. We began research and came up with formulations to convince the world that the Ayurvedic products are non-toxic,” says Dr Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Managing Director, Sami Labs Ltd.
Sami Group began its journey in 1988 with establishment of Sabinsa Corporation by Dr Majeed in New Jersey, US. The company was established with an objective of importing and marketing generic drugs into the US market. The corporation was later made as the American arm of the Sami Labs headquartered in Bengaluru. For over two decades, the group has been unlocking the mystery of herbs by extracting their goodness and offering the world a means to good health, the nature’s way.