Curcumin - Its potential effectiveness to fight cancer

Union health ministry decided to observe November 7 as Cancer Awareness Day every year. Marking the occasion Dr. Muhammed Majeed of Sami Labs highlights the use of Curcumin as a potential substance in the fight against cancer: The use of turmeric dates back nearly 4.000 years in India.where it was used as a culinary spice and had some religious significance. Its benefits have been well documented in medical literature. and "Curcuminoids" the well-studied bioactive substances in turmeric which gives the yellow color to turmeric has been found to promote health and protect against a wide array of health conditions. It is also loaded with many essential nutrients such as magnesium, iron. vitamin BG. fiber copper and potassium. About 50 years ago. Researchers began noticing that many diseases prevalent among Western culture like Alzheimer's and Multiple Sclerosis, were less frequent in India.. Their search to understand this difference, led them to Curcumin. Turmeric and thereby curcumin is a culinary kitchen ingredient in every Indian household. Not only do we ingest good quantities through our diet, but in addition incorporate it in our bandages lo support wound healing and take itorally to prevent and manage several illnesses. Western scientists Lhus. began taking a closer look at curcumin, by using to discover how it works and in what ways it might be used to help address various health concerns. This has resulted in over 7,500 research papers published about the effects of curcumin.
Curcumin has a strong potential to be effective in the management of various types of cancers due to its range of anti-proliferative and anti-carcinogenic properties. The combination of two plant compounds that have medicinal properties curcumin and silymarin - holds promise in treating colon cancer. Recently researchers from Saint Louis University in the United States have said. Curcumin's potential has been tapped in the management of head and neck cancers. breast. lung. gastro-intestinal cancer, ovarian cancer. melanoma. neurological cancer, sarcoma,leukemia and lymphoma. Curcumin suppresses all three stages of carcinogenesis: initiation, promotion and progression. It also has a role in neutralizing substances and conditions which lead to cancer, chemotherapy and radio therapy. Curcumin, on the other hand, when consumed in therapeutic doses.targets several cancer pathways and sensitizes the cancer cells to chemotherapy drngs by increasing the pace of death of the cancer cells.