For nearly 30 years, Sami Labs has been producing botanical extract ingredients in Bangalore, India. Over that time, the company has invested significantly not only in production facilities but building relationships with the farming community to ensure traceability of its offerings from farm to finished ingredients. Explore some of the facilities and farms showcased on a recent tour of Sami Labs presence in the area, and how the company’s strength in India supports its Sabinsa Corp. endeavors throughout the world.
Sami Labs is committed to producing its Curcumin C3 Complex® from sustainably-grown Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric. The company contracts with farmers in India and other countries to ensure the traceability and sustainability of its raw materials. The farms range in size from only an acre or two, up to extremely large footprints. As shown here, the farmers take pride in their land and their partnership with Sami Labs; the company contracts with its farmers to pay a set price, and honors its agreements even if the market value declines.
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